Hi folks I would like to share one recent incident which was happened in my city few days back. Its about atrocious act of one Teacher. Its a well known thing that we are treating our masters and teachers as god since they are creating awareness among us and teaching everything like what is life? discipline? society and so on.... simply we could say like they are openers who open our eyes to see this beautiful world
But here few teachers had involved in murdering a small child whose age is around 9.
The news spreads like fire in all hook and corner of the city through media. The incident was like that child attempted a small mistake and for that he was punished severely and sent out from this world itself .
From the media it came to known that the child was smashed heavily with the wooden stick.So his skull got broken and the brain was stunned as such with out any function from the moment he was hitted.
Finally doctors also helpless to the child to save his life so his parents were decided to donate other organs in the body of the child to those who are in need.
And also they have announced like the family those who are in need of organ and if they are belongs to poor family or if they are in poverty they are ready to give needed organ along with 10,000rs INR ie) $ 209.
so because of the death of small child other few children's are going to lead a long life so its a good and proudable thing too. But what about those heartless Teachers.. we don't know whats the government going to do in this matter and there steps towards this kind of activities.
Even though the teachers are punished we can't bring back the child and at the same time think about that child's mom... how she will be hereafter with out her child...
So friends what will be the you action and suggestions towards this kind of brutal act of few teachers?
Kenshin's Motto
Kenshin's Words
'cause you never had time to call and say "hi"?
You better slow down, don't dance too fast,
time is short, the music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere,
you miss the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through each day,
it is like an unopened gift thrown away.
Life is not a race, so take it slower,
hear the music before the song is over.
On Discovery Channel's "Spacewalkers: The Ultimate High-Wire Act," astronauts John Grunsfeld and Steve Smith share some of the many challenges and problems that are normal in a spacewalk. U can see the video in the below link .. http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/31723-spacewalkers-anomalies-in-spacewalk-video.htm#
The UNESCO supported India Video web resource has dug into its library of clippings covering well-known Indian churches to offer an offbeat Christmas e-greetings tool this year.
Maybe you are tired of jingle bells, cute snow-covered sleighs, chubby red Santas and other stereotypical western images far-removed from the average desi experience. You might enjoy greeting your friends this festive season, sending short videos (of around one minute) capturing the charms of some of India's most famous churches. You can choose video clips of St. Stephen's chruch, udhagamandalam; St. Thomas Mount etc.,. You can also choose a montage of cipls from churches in Kerala or Goa.
Kerala-based users are also able to select videos when feature extracts from the actual midnight mass or pathira kurbana at some well known churches in the state. The free resource can be got from the site
In general life is a combination love,hard work,entertainment etc. Now people are paying more attention towards entertainment lot for their happiness. Emerging new technology with latest features is one of the main reason why people have more crazy on that.
Under entertainment there are various sources and technologies which makes people happy and money for the source providers. Recent technology which made me more crazy towards entertainment is MP4-Players and i would say it like small wonders . Because of their latest technology with compact size made me to surprise and astonish about them
Recently i bought one MP4 player from "Creative Zen" it such a amazing player with fllowing options such as music,vedioplayer,FM radio,voice recorder, date and time display,and also u have option to save your data files and picture file etc..
I was been searching on the internet from past 7 months to buy a best player. Finally i have been found that creative is the best one when compare to other players.
It has very good color,nice shape,smooth finishing etc... Even though we have other brands in market like Sony,Philips,Mouserbare,LG,Samsung.... i experienced that creative is a best among them...
So friends experience them and have your life with fun :-)
1. Fry or saute foods in a non-stick cook wear with low-calorie fat.
2. Baking or boiling is recommended instead of frying.
3. Eat high-fiber foods.
5. Opt for light menus in restaurants, or u can purchase low-calorie or reduced-fat products at ur neared stores.
6. Don't avoid ur meals. Eat three to six times a day in a very smaller portion to avoid getting hungry.
7. Use a small plate at mealtime to satisfy your psychological need to see a full plate.
8. Eat and chew Slowly. Stop eating before you feel full.
9. Weight yourself with regular schedule, but don't become a slave to ur scale.
10. Reward yourself in order to encourage yourself. This makes You to follow the above steps , so that you can manage to control your obesity.
According to study by the Australian group choice, video game consoles such as Sony Playstation 3 Consumes Five Times More Energy than a medium sized refrigerator.
They found out that a medium sized refrigerator of about 12 cu.ft. volume(60 inches in height) will cost $50 a year while Sony Playstation 3 will cost $250 a year even if its not in use and only turned on. Microsoft XBox came second behind Playstation 3.
Choice is the largest consumer organization in Australia with over 200,000 subscribers. Study showed that apart from game consoles, Plasma televisions consume 4 times more energy than a traditional analogue set. Incredibly, the Playstation 3 consumed over 10 times as much power as the Nintendo Wii.
The average desktop PC, without monitor came third in terms of energy consumption. It is interesting to note that Apple iMac with a built-in display, consumes just 2/3rd of the energy consumed by a monitor-less PC.
The LCD computer monitor tested was found to be far more energy efficient than it's CRT predecessor. The CRT used more than double the power of the LCD display. Devices on stand-by mode costs just $15 a year.
New Yorkers who download music to their MP3 players may soon see the cost rise, after Governor, David Paterson, Proposed a 4 percent tax on the practice as part of a plan to ease a massive state budget crisis.
The charge, nicknamed the iPod tax, will also cover ebooks and other "digitally delivered entertainment services," such as videos and photographs. It is one of 137 additional fees the State aims to exact from residents in its 2009-10 budget if approved by the State Legislature.
To try to close the $15.4 billion budget gap, Mr.Paterson has risked incurring the wrath of voters as he pushed up taxes.
One of his most innovative moves is a planned charge on surgary soft drinks, dubbed the obesity tax. Any non-diet fruit drink that contains less than 70% natural fruit juice will be subject to an 18%tax.
Hey Guys.. are you freak about junk foods. how often it will be in your diet ? Do you have to hold your breath in, to button your jeans? Have the buttons on your shirt popped off occasionally? Do your friend laugh at you while you eating something.
Now its the time to take action to solve this issues, not only in putting jean buttons but also to reduce your Belly's. It will be very easy to follow for teenage guys.
As a teenager, your body can lose weight easily by cutting down amount of food you eat and what you eat! At least we can prevent diabetes, heart disease , obesity, Belly's by means of diet .
Do you eat junk foods like fries,pizza,doughnut,etc more than three times in a week?
Do you consume carbonated waters like cool drinks to quench your thirsty? if it is so you can choose fresh juices instead those cool drinks frequently .
Junk foods are full of empty calories and it will slow down the growth,decay tooth and offer you surprise tiers around your waist.
So try to prefer fruits,vegetables., low fat milk,poultry fishes,eggs,nuts and grains for your health. These things will ensure that your diet is low in saturated ,cholerstral,salt and sugar in your blood..
so friends try to avoid junk foods and have planned food diet like above to have a healthy life or else one day we will become "couch potato"
Eat to live and not live to Eat .. its a most famous quotes which i'm hearing from my childhood onwards. Some joint family people did not follow this. so the final result would be overweight and obesity.
People are not taking the food properly I mean they are not chewing the food fully before swallowing .Even though we have time to eat slowly people are so fast intake it. What happens when food is thoroughly chewed and swallowed?
Have you heard of chew count of foods? Each time when you intake food it should be chewed at least 20 times foods which are soft need very little chewing. Liquid food and very soft foods can be swallowed with out chewing. Solid foods and crisp foods need to be chewed well.
Meat require more chewing than cooked vegetables.Chewing breaks down food molecule,and exposing them to saliva to begin the digestion process. If food is swallowed without chewing it will take longer time to digest or else it will be indigestion sometimes finally it will leads to fermentation and flatulence.
In general hard food substance will take longer time for digestion and thereby it will pass over the digestive system slowly to release glucose slowly in the blood. This is called glycaemic index.. It will vary in the same food substance depends upon the preparation of the food..
At the same time while your chewing food it wont disturb others by your loud chomping. Further when chewed with open mouth there is chance of swallowing air along with your food substance which will affect your digestion. so make it with in closed mouth.
One more advantage of chewing the food is your mouth is being exercised while body is at complete rest..
So folk's start to chew your food well from today onwards to lead a healthy and long life.
Ten Common Methods Hackers Use To Breach Your Existing Security
Posted by Galaxy of KenshinIntroduction
Hacking, cracking, and cyber crimes are hot topics these days and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. However, there are steps you can take to r educe your
organization's threat level. The first step is to understand what risks, threats, and
vulnerabilities currently exist in your environment. The second step is to learn as much aspossible about the problems so you can formulate a solid response. The third step is tointelligently deploy your selected countermeasures and safeguards to erect protectionsaround your most mission-critical assets. In this Post we will discusses ten commonmethods hackers use to breach your existing security.
1. Stealing Passwords
Security experts have been discussing the problems with password security for years. Butit seems that few have listened and taken action to resolve those problems. If your ITenvironment controls authentication using passwords only, it is at greater risk forintrusion and hacking attacks than those that use some form of multifactor authentication.The problem lies with the ever -increasing abilities of computers to process largeramounts of data in a smaller amount of time. A password is just a string of characters,typically only keyboard characters, which a person must remember and type into acomputer terminal when required. Unfortunately, passwords that are too complex for aperson to remember easily can be discovered by a cracking tool in a frighteningly shortperiod of time. Dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, and hybrid attacks are all variousmethods used to guess or crack passwords. The only real protection against such threatsis to make very long passwords or use multiple factor s for authentication. Unfortunately,requiring ever longer passwords causes a reversing of security due to the human factor.People simply are not equipped to remember numerous long strings of chaotic characters.But even with reasonably long passwords th at people can remember, such as 12 to 16characters, there are still other problems facing password -only authentication systems.
These include:
• People who use the same password on multiple accounts, especially when some of those
accounts are on public Internet sites with little to no security.
• People who write their passwords down and store them in obvious places. Writing down
passwords is often encouraged by the need to frequently change passwords.
• The continued use of insecure protocols that transfe r passwords in clear text, such asthose used for Web surfing, e -mail, chat, file transfer, etc.
• The threat of software and hardware keystroke loggers.
• The problem of shoulder surfing or video surveillance.Password theft, password cracking, and even password guessing are still serious threats toIT environments. The best protection against these threats is to deploy multifactor
authentication systems and to train personnel regarding safe password habits.
2.Trojan Horses
A Trojan horse is a continuing threat to all forms of IT communication. Basically, a
Trojan horse is a malicious payload surreptitiously delivered inside a benign host. Youare sure to have heard of some of the famous Trojan horse malicious payloads such asBack Orifice, NetBus, and SubSeven. But the real threat of Trojan horses is not the
malicious payloads you know about, its ones you don't. A Trojan horse can be built or
crafted by anyone with basic computer skills. Any malicious payload can be combined
with any benign software to c reate a Trojan horse. There are countless ways of craftingand authoring tools designed to do just that. Thus, the real threat of Trojan horse attack isthe unknown.The malicious payload of a Trojan horse can be anything. This includes programs thatdestroy hard drives, corrupt files, record keystrokes, monitor network traffic, track Webusage, duplicate e-mails, allow remote control and remote access, transmit data files to others, launch attacks against other targets, plant proxy servers, host file shar ing services,and more. Payloads can be grabbed off the Internet or can be just written code authored by the hacker. Then, this payload can be embedded into any benign software to create the
Trojan horse. Common hosts include games, screensavers, greeting card systems, admin
utilities, archive formats, and even documents.
All a Trojan horse attack needs to be successful is a single user to execute the host
program. Once that is accomplished, the malicious payload is automatically launched as well, usually without any symptoms of unwanted activity. A Trojan horse could be
delivered via e-mail as an attachment, it could be presented on a Web site as a download,or it could be placed on a removable media (memory card, CD/DVD, USB stick, floppy, etc.). In any case, your protections are automated malicious code detection tools, such as modern anti-virus protections and other specific forms of Malware scanners, and user education.
3. Exploiting Defaults
Nothing makes attacking a target network easier than when t hat target is using the
defaults set by the vendor or manufacturer. Many attack tools and exploit scripts assume that the target is configured using the default settings. Thus, one of the most effective and often overlooked security precautions is simply t o change the defaults.To see the scope of this problem, all you need to do is search the Internet for sites using the keywords "default passwords". There are numerous sites that catalog all of the default user names, passwords, access codes, settings, an d naming conventions of every software and hardware IT product ever sold. It is your responsibility to know about the defaults of the products you deploy and make every effort to change those defaults to no obvious alternatives.
But it is not just account and password defaults you need to be concerned with, there are also the installation defaults such as path names, folder names, components, services, configurations, and settings. Each and every possible customizable option should be considered for customization. Try to avoid installing operating systems into the default drives and folders set by the vendor. Don't install applications and other software into their "standard" locations. Don't accept the folder names offered by the installation scripts or wizards. The more
you can customize your installations, configurations, and settings, the more your system will be incompatible with attack tools and exploitation scripts.
4. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
Every single person reading this white paper has been a target of numerous man-in-themiddle attacks. A MITM attack occurs when an attacker is able to fool a user into
establishing a communication link with a server or service through a rogue entity. The rogue entity is the system controlled by the hacker. It has been set upto intercept the communication between user and server without letting the user become aware that the misdirection attack has taken place. A MITM attack works by somehow fooling the user, their computer, or some part of the user's network i nto re-directing legitimate traffic to the illegitimate rogue system.
A MITM attack can be as simple as a phishing e -mail attack where a legitimate looking e-mail is sent to a user with a URL link pointed towards the rogue system instead of the real site. The rogue system has a look-alike interface that tricks the user into providing their logon credentials. The logon credentials are then duplicated and sent on to the real server. This action opens a link with the real server, allowing the user to interact with their resources without the knowledge that their communications have taken a detour through a malicious system that is eavesdropping on and possibly altering the traffic. MITM attacks can also be waged using more complicated methods, including MAC (Media Access Control) duplication, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) poisoning,router table poisoning, fake routing tables, DNS (Domain Name Server) query poisoning,DNS hijacking, rogue DNS servers, HOSTS file alteration, local DNScache poisoning, and proxy re-routing. And that doesn't mention URL obfuscation,encoding, or manipulation that is often used to hide the link misdirection.To protect yourself against MIT attacks, you need to avoid clicking on links found in e -mails. Furthermore, always veri fy that links from Web sites stay within trusted domainsor still maintain SSL encryption. Also, deploy IDS (Intrusion Detection System) systemsto monitor network traffic as well as DNS and local system alterations.
5. Wireless Attacks
Wireless networks have the appeal of freedom from wires - the ability to be mobile
within your office while maintaining network connectivity. Wireless networks are
inexpensive to deploy and easy to install. Unfortunately, the true cost of wireless
networking is not apparent until security is considered. It is often the case that the time,effort, and expense required to secure wireless networks is significantly more than deploying a traditional wired network. Interference, DOS, hijacking, man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping, sniffing, and many more attacks are made simple for attackers when wireless networks are present. That doesn't even mention the issue that a secured wireless network (802.11a or 802.11g) will typically support under 14 Mbps of throughput, and then only und er the most ideal transmission distances and conditions. Compare that with the standard of a minimum of 100 Mbps for a wired network, and the economy just doesn't make sense. However, even if your organization does not officially sanction and deploy a wireless network, you may still have wireless network vulnerabilities. Many organizations have
discovered that workers have taken it upon themselves to secretly deploy their own
wireless network. They can do this by bringing in their own wireless access point (WAP),plugging in their desktop's network cable into the WAP, then re -connecting their desktopto one of the router/switch ports of the WAP. This retains their desktop's connection to the network,plus it adds wireless connectivity. All too often when an unapproved WAP is deployed, it is done with little or no security enabled on the WAP. Thus, a $50 WAP can easily open up a giant security hole in a multi -million dollar secured-wired network. To combat unapproved wireless access points, a regular site su rvey needs to be performed. This can be done with a notebook using a wireless detector such as NetStumbler or with a dedicated hand -held device.
6. Doing their Homework
I don't mean that hackers break into your network by getting their school work done, but you might be surprised how much they learn from school about how to compromise
security. Hackers, especially external hackers, learn how to overcome your security
barriers by researching your organization. This process can be called reconnaissance, discovery, or foot printing. Ultimately, it is intensive, focused
research into all information available about your organization from public and non -sopublic resources.
If you've done any research or reading into warfare tactics, you are aware that the most important weapon you can have at your disposal is information. Hackers know this and spend considerable time and effort acquiring a complete arsenal. What is often disconcerting is how much your organization freely contributes to the hacker's weapon stockpile. Most organizations are hemorrhaging data; companies freely give away too much information that can be used against them in various types of logical and physical attacks. Here are just a few common examples of what a hacker can learn about your organization, often in minutes:
• The names of your top executives and any flashy employees you have by perusing your
archive of press releases.
• The company addresses, phone number, and fax number from domain name
• The service provider for Inte rnet access through DNS lookup and traceroute.
• Employee home addresses, phone numbers, employment history, family members,
previous addresses, criminal record, driving history, and more by looking up their names in various free and paid background resear ch sites.
• The operating systems, major programs, programming languages, specialized platforms, network device vendors, and more from job site postings.
• Physical weaknesses, vantage points, lines of sight, entry ways, covert access paths, and more from satellite images of your company and employee addresses.
• Usernames, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, directory structure, filenames, OS type, Web server platform, scripting languages, Web application environments, and more from Web site scanners.
• Confidential documents accidentally posted to a Web site from archive.org and Google hacking.
• Flaws in your products, problems with staff, internal issues, company politics, and more from blogs, product reviews, company critiques, and competitive intelligence services.
As you can see, there is no end to the information that a hacker can obtain from public open sources. This list of examples is only a beginning. Each kernel of truth discovered often leads the hacker to unearth more. Often, a hacker will spend over 90% of their time in information-gathering activities. The more the attacker learns about the target, the easier the subsequent attack becomes.
As for defense, you are ultimately at a loss—mainly because it is already too late. Once information is out on the Internet, it is always out there. You can obviously clean up and sterilize any information resource currently under your direct control. You can even contact third-party information repositories to request that they change your information. Some online data systems, such as domain registrars, offer privacy and security services (for a fee, of course). You can also control or limit the output of information in the future by being more discrete in your announcements, product details, press releases, etc. However, it is the information that you can't change or remove from the Internet that will continue to erode your security. The only way to manage uncontrollable information is to alter your environment so that it is no longer correct or relevant. Th ink of this as a new
way to deviate from defaults or at least deviate from the previous known.
7. Monitoring Vulnerability Research
Hackers have access to the same vulnerability research that you do. They are able to read Web sites, discussion lists, blogs, and other public information services about known problems, issues, and vulnerabilities with hardware and software. The more the hacker can discover about possible attack points, the more likely it is that he can discover a weakness you've yet to patch, protect, or even become aware of.
To combat vulnerability research on the part of the hacker, you have to be just as vigilant as the hacker. You have to be looking for the problems in order to protect against them just as intently as the hacker is looki ng for problems to exploit. This means keeping watch on discussion groups and web sites from each and every vendor whose products your organization utilizes. Plus, you need to watch the third -party security oversight discussion groups and web sites to lear n about issues that vendors are failing to make public or that don't yet have easy solutions. These include places like securityfocus.com, US CERT, hackerstorm.com, and hackerwatch.org.
8. Being Patient and Persistent
Hacking into a company network is no t typically an activity someone undertakes and
completes in a short period of time. Hackers often research their targets for weeks or months, before starting their first tentative logical interactions against their target with scanners, banner-grabbing tools, and crawling utilities. And even then, their initial activities are mostly subtle probing to verify the data they gathered through their intensive "offline" research. Once hackers have crafted a profile of your organization, they must then select a specific attack point, design the attack, test and drill the attack, improve the attack, schedule the attack, and, finally, launch the attack. In most cases, a hacker's goal is not to bang on your network so that you become aware of their attacks. Instead, a hacker's goal is to gain entry subtly so that you are unaware that a breach has actually taken place. The most devastating attacks are those that go undetected for extended periods of time, while the hacker has extensive control over the environment. An invasion can remain undetected nearly indefinitely if it is executed by a hacker who is patient and persistent. Hacking is often most successful when performed one small step at a time and with significant periods of time between each step attempt - at least up to the point of a successful breach. Once hackers have gained entry, they quickly deposit tools to hide their presence and grant them greater degrees of control over your environment. Once these hacker tools are planted, hidden, and made active, the h ackers are free to come and go as they please. Likewise, protecting against a hacker intrusion is also about patients and persistence. You must be able to watch even the most minor activities on your network with standard auditing processes as well as an automated IDS/IPS system. Never allow any anomaly to go uninvestigated. Use common sense, follow the best business practices recommended by security professionals, and keep current on patches, updates, and system improvements.
However, realize that securi ty is not a goal that can be fully obtained. There is no perfectly secure environment. Every security mechanism can be fooled, overcome, disabled, bypassed, exploited, or made worthless. Hacking successfully often means the hacker is more persistent than t he security professional protecting an environment. Ultimately, it is an arms race to see who blinks or falls behind first. With enough time, the right tools, sufficient expertise and skill, mounting information collection, and persistence, a hacker can and will find away to breach any and every security system.
9. Confidence Games
The good news about hacking today is that many security mechanisms are very effective
against most hacking attempts. Firewalls, IDSes, IPSec, and anti -Malware scanners have made intrusions and hacking a difficult task. However, the bad news is many hackers have expanded their idea of what hacking means to include social engineering: hackers are going after the weakest link in any organization's security—the people. People are always the biggest problem with security because they are the only element within the secured environment that has the ability to choose to violate the rules. People can be coerced, tricked, duped, or forced into violating some aspect of the security system in order to grant a hacker access. The age -old problem of people exploiting other people by taking advantage of human nature has returned as a means to bypass modern security technology.
Protection against social engineering is primarily education. Train ing personnel about what to look for and to report all abnormal or awkward interactions can be effective countermeasures. But this is only true if everyone in the organization realizes that they are a social engineering target. In fact, the more a person b elieves that their position in the company is so minor that they would not be a worthwhile target, the more they are actually the preferred targets of the hacker.
10. Already Being on the Inside
All too often when hacking is discussed, it is assumed that the hacker is some unknown outsider. However, studies have shown that a majority of security violations actually are caused by internal employees. So, one of the most effective ways for a hacker to breach security is to be an employee. This can be read in two different ways. First, the hacker can get a job at the target company and then exploit that access once they gain the trust of the organization. Second, an existing employee can become disgruntled and choose to cause harm to the company as a form of r evenge or retribution. In either case, when someone on the inside decides to attack the company network, many of the security defenses erected against outside hacking and intrusion are often ineffective. Instead, internal defenses specific to managing int ernal threats need to be deployed. This could include keystroke monitoring, tighter enforcement of the principle of least privilege, preventing users from installing software, not allowing any external removable media source, disabling all USB ports, exten sive auditing, host-based IDS/IPS, and Internet filtering and monitoring.
Conclusion There are many possible ways that a hacker can gain access to a seemingly secured environment. It is the responsibility of everyone within an organization to support security efforts and to watch for abnormal events. We need to secure IT environments to the best of our abilities and budgets while watching for the inevitable breach attempt. In this continuing arms race, vigilance is required, persistence is necessary, an d knowledge is invaluable.
Hi Folks,,
Its your Kenshin once again came back to slash you people with samurai sword by the name of love.
Its well known thing that our blog name is nothing but "Kenshin.Galaxy". why it is named so.. is it any concept or theme behind that ...
I am fond of martial arts and fights , samurai method etc.. of course Kenshin is a samurai
who is deman (love +evil) emerged in japanese dream in the mid of MIJI period to save the world from the hands of evil.
Its a really a great story and still they are lot of controversy among different versions of kenshin's life. He is one who came up with good martial practice in which njo one can be more strong like him both mentally and physically.
Initially he was like assassin but later turned to a pure man to save up the world because of various experiences and things which made him so..
Some part of life like love with a girl, True and evergreen friendship made him to think a lot and it just asked himself what is the purpose of being human in the world.
so he turned as Devil sometimes to terminate evil things and turned as pure soul sometimes to save his lovable ones.
Here the short story about Kenshin
It tells the story of a peaceful wanderer named Himura Kenshin, formerly known as the assassin Hitokiri Battōsai. After participating during the Bakumatsu war, Kenshin wanders the countryside of Japan offering protection and aid to those in need as atonement for the murders he once committed as an assassin.
When Kenshin and his friends return to Tokyo, Kenshin finds Yukishiro Enishi, who plans to take revenge by killing his friends. At this point it is revealed that, during the Bakumatsu, Kenshin used to be married to a woman called Yukishiro Tomoe, who initially wanted to avenge the death of her fiancé, whom Kenshin had killed, but instead both fell in love and got married. When it was discovered that Tomoe was part of a group of assassins that wanted to kill Kenshin, Kenshin blindly swings his sword, killing both his assailant and Tomoe, who jumps in at the last minute to save Kenshin from a fatal attack. Wanting to take revenge for the death of his sister, Enishi kidnaps Kaoru and leaves behind a tortured figure bearing a stunning resemblance of the girl for Kenshin to find and momentarily grieve over. Once discovering that Kaoru is alive, Kenshin and his friends set to rescue her. A battle between Kenshin and Enishi follows and when Kenshin wins, he and Kaoru return home. Five years later, Kenshin has found true peace; he is married to Kaoru and has a son named Himura Kenji.
Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity features started appearing on notebooks around late 1998. Today Wi-Fi notebooks are a popular choice among the tech-savvy generation. The standard of the Wi-Fi notebooks have been certified by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. The IEEE 802.11b is the latest wireless networking specification standard for them. As per this standard, Internet at speeds of up to 11 megabits per second or Ethernet networks such as corporate LAN can be accessed with Wi-Fi notebooks.
Wi-Fi is a popular and high-end feature on notebooks. However many of us are still confused about how to get the best out of our devices. Security of them is a major concern these days. This article talks all about Wi-Fi notebooks, what to do and what not to do with your them. Following are a few safety tips for Wi-Fi notebooks.
Be careful of your sensitive online transactions when using open Wi-Fi networks:
Do not let your Wi-Fi notebook connect just anywhere. Well it`s a good idea to access internet while sipping your favorite coffee at a Wi-Fi enabled environment, but important online transactions might be tampered. Hence its best to disable the automatic connect feature of your Windows network. You can simply uncheck the box labeled \”Connect when this network is in range\” when you feel like getting connected.
Turn off the Wi-Fi ad hoc connections option:
A simplest way to prevent penetration attacks to Wi-Fi notebooks is to turn off the Wi-Fi client adapter when it`s not used. Remember, Microsoft Windows default Configuration allows anonymous ad hoc connections. But when disabled, it won`t allow anonymous connections anymore. The turning off of the Wi-Fi client adapter also serves another purpose; it conserves battery life of notebooks.
Disable Window`s file and printer sharing feature:
Many users especially those who work in corporate sectors often use window`s file and printer sharing feature to share printers or files while on a work or home network. But while outside, this could be dangerous as anyone who is on that particular Wi-Fi network can access the important files. But it can be easily prevented. For additional security, you just need to disable the file and printer sharing feature of your notebooks.
Firewall software is a must for Wi-Fi notebooks:
Don`t rely on the basic inbuilt firewall of your operating system. Opt for a good freeware firewall applications which provide additional protection for your notebooks.
Secure any personal, banking, or credit card details:
Don`t let the Web browser to remember personal information. You might think it`s an easier option since no one but you are using your Wi-Fi notebook. But sensitive info regarding bank transactions or credit card details can be easily retrieved if the notebook is lost or stolen. Hence, it is a good idea to use password protected software especially those that requires you to remember only one access password which doesn`t allow unauthorized access.
Keep your Wi-Fi notebook`s operating system up to date:
Just by installing the required firewall, password-protected software or any other software won`t give optimum result of protecting your Wi-Fi notebooks. You need to update your antivirus, Web browser, firewall, and other software including the Wi-Fi client applications of your notebooks on regular interval to get the best benefits.
Verify that the SSID actually represents the provider`s Wi-Fi network:
Often the user gets associated with lots of fake networks who usually falsely represent the Wi-Fi network`s related facility. Hackers use these fake networks to get access to all important info of your device. Verifying the SSID will help prevent associating with unauthorized network especially when you access the Wi-Fi network outside.
The reasons why you want to learn Spanish can be varied-you might be going to a Spanish speaking country, you might have a partner whose first language is Spanish, or it\’s a language skill you are picking up to add to your qualifications, etc. But what you need to know is that learning Spanish can be made easier than you can imagine.
If you are having difficulty catching up, all you might need is better resources and proper guidance to make things easier for you.
On a day-to-day basis, there are things that can make it easier for you to learn Spanish. You can try one or all of the following tips to get a hang of the language. But only these things won\’t make you learn the language. Besides them, you will require a good language class or program. But they can make things easier and more comfortable for you.
1. Watch Spanish movies with English subtitles. This will help you catch onto Spanish words while simultaneously understanding their meaning. This is a good way to brush up your Spanish without having to spend anything.
2. Use devices like television and radio to your advantage. Listen to shows on the radio and watch Spanish programs on a regular basis. There are various shows where language is not very convoluted and the diction is clear and loud and will help you get familiar with the language.
3. You might be able to find some native Spanish people who you can practice your language skills with. You have a good chance of finding them if you live somewhere around California or Texas or Florida. But even if you can\’t find someone whose first language is Spanish, you can practice with other people in your class or your friends who are learning the language too.
4. One of the most important things to remember, if you are trying to learn Spanish or any other language is that you have to practice regularly. The more you practice, the sooner you will become fluent in the language. You will slowly begin to realize the mistakes in diction or usage that you are making and you will gradually start speaking the language fluently. If you get bored easily, you might not want to get into learning routine but you can keep trying different things as long as you practice every day.
These tips are not exhaustive. You can try other things, which you think will work for you. One popular reason why people who are attempting to learn a new language give up is because the course of the material is not interesting enough, it\’s dry. But if you can find a method that works for you, you would not need more than two months to get the basics of Spanish language in place.
You can also organize fun, creative activities where all learners and congregate and benefit in terms of language learning and help each other.
So go ahead, take up the right Spanish course for you and try the above, soon you will find yourself speaking fluently in Spanish.
Hi Folks,
Enjoy Ur Ride.
In this post we are going to see the latest and hot bikes which are currently rocking in my city
Industries have launched so many racing series bikes in India recently with lot of competitions among them and it s gonna be one of the hot news in our city
Companies like Yamaha, Bajaj ,TVS, Hero Honda , Honda Stunner emerged into racing fashion to cover up the customers. Since its being a big demand for petrol in India and cost is also around 50rs per litter ie) around $0.9US
but people over here are fond of those bikes.
Its because of the dazzling paintings and gorgeous look of those bikes. .Those are the bikes who come up with Disc break technology along with high CC Engine as far as India concern.
Eventhough those bikes are not comfortable upto mark for Indian roads , Indians were utilizing it in a best way always. Highways department also started constructing roads upto the world mark.
So we hope Indian are going to enjoy the ride with full potential of bike soon.
Yamaha --> its well known and most famous company in Motor Industry .. link for yamaha http://www.rockingroadies.com/blog/?tag=R15
TVS Apache -->autos.maxabout.com/twid0000304/tvs_apache_rtr_160_fi.aspx
Bajaj Pulser -->www.infibeam.com/bikes/make/bajaj.html
http://www.rockingroadies.com/blog/ ---> for all the bikes
LG develops cell phone chip for fast downloads
Download speed is eight times that of the current fastest mobile phones
updated 12:50 p.m. ET Dec. 9, 2008
ANYANG, South Korea - LG Electronics Inc. claimed a step forward in the commercialization of the next generation of Internet capable handsets, demonstrating a modem chip with a download speed eight times that of the fastest mobile phones currently on the market.
The South Korean company unveiled the chip, created for a technology standard known as Long-Term Evolution, or LTE, at a research lab in Anyang, just outside Seoul, on Tuesday.
The so-called fourth generation technology, still under development, is vying with the rival WiMax standard to usher in super-fast Web browsing and downloads over mobile phones and other wireless devices
"Now that LG has developed and tested the first 4G handset modem, a commercially viable LTE handset is on the horizon," Paik Woo-hyun, LG's chief technology officer, told reporters.
LG's claim to be first could not immediately be verified.
The company said that mobile carriers have built test networks and the first mobile phones using the technology will probably be available to consumers in 2010.
LG said it achieved wireless download speeds of 60 megabits per second and upload speeds of 20 Mbps. The fastest phones on the market use a different technology, known as HSDPA, and download at a maximum speed of 7.6 Mbps, according to LG.
The company said that with the technology a 700 megabit movie file can be downloaded in less than one minute at speeds of 100 Mbps.
LTE also allows consumers to stream high definition movies without needing a buffer, which ensures smooth play.
LG said that companies such as Qualcomm Inc., Vodafone Group PLC, Verizon Wireless and Japan's KDDI Corp. are supporting and contributing to the development of the long-term evolution standard.
The rival WiMax, or Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, technology is similar to the WiFi signals available at coffee shops and airports but provides wireless data over long distances and is already in use on a limited basis.
WiMax has been backed by South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co. and Intel Corp., Motorola Inc., Sprint Nextel Corp. and Clearwire Corp. of the United States.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Nine Steps to Forgiveness
Frederic Luskin, Ph.D.
1. Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a trusted couple of people about your experience.
2. Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else.
3. Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their action. What you are after is to find peace. Forgiveness can be defined as the "peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story."
4. Get the right perspective on what is happening. Recognize that your primary distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you two minutes - or ten years -ago. Forgiveness helps to heal those hurt feelings.
5. At the moment you feel upset practice a simple stress management technique to soothe your body's flight or fight response.
6. Give up expecting things from other people, or your life , that they do not choose to give you. Recognize the "unenforceable rules" you have for your health or how you or other people must behave. Remind yourself that you can hope for health, love, peace and prosperity and work hard to get them.
7. Put your energy into looking for another way to get your positive goals met than through the experience that has hurt you. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt seek out new ways to get what you want.
8. Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Forgiveness is about personal power.
9. Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive.
The practice of forgiveness has been shown to reduce anger, hurt depression and stress and leads to greater feelings of hope, peace, compassion and self confidence. Practicing forgiveness leads to healthy relationships as well as physical health. It also influences our attitude which opens the heart to kindness, beauty, and love.
Self Confidence Suit
Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits. Your perception of yourself has an enormous impact on how others perceive you. Perception is reality — the more self confidence you have, the more likely it is you’ll succeed.
Although many of the factors affecting self confidence are beyond your control, there are a number of things you can consciously do to build self confidence. By using these 10 strategies you can get the mental edge you need to reach your potential.
Build Self Confidence
1. Dress Sharp
Although clothes don’t make the man, they certainly affect the way he feels about himself. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance. In most cases, significant improvements can be made by bathing and shaving frequently, wearing clean clothes, and being cognizant of the latest styles.
This doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on clothes. One great rule to follow is “spend twice as much, buy half as much”. Rather than buying a bunch of cheap clothes, buy half as many select, high quality items. In long run this decreases spending because expensive clothes wear out less easily and stay in style longer than cheap clothes. Buying less also helps reduce the clutter in your closet.
2. Walk Faster
One of the easiest ways to tell how a person feels about herself is to examine her walk. Is it slow? tired? painful? Or is it energetic and purposeful? People with confidence walk quickly. They have places to go, people to see, and important work to do. Even if you aren’t in a hurry, you can increase your self confidence by putting some pep in your step. Walking 25% faster will make to you look and feel more important.
3. Good Posture
Similarly, the way a person carries herself tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self confidence. They aren’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing and they don’t consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, you’ll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.
4. Personal Commercial
One of the best ways to build confidence is listening to a motivational speech. Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between. You can fill this need by creating a personal commercial. Write a 30-60 second speech that highlights your strengths and goals. Then recite it in front of the mirror aloud (or inside your head if you prefer) whenever you need a confidence boost.
5. Gratitude
When you focus too much on what you want, the mind creates reasons why you can’t have it. This leads you to dwell on your weaknesses. The best way to avoid this is consciously focusing on gratitude. Set aside time each day to mentally list everything you have to be grateful for. Recall your past successes, unique skills, loving relationships, and positive momentum. You’ll be amazed how much you have going for you and motivated to take that next step towards success.
6. Compliment other people
When we think negatively about ourselves, we often project that feeling on to others in the form of insults and gossip. To break this cycle of negativity, get in the habit of praising other people. Refuse to engage in backstabbing gossip and make an effort to compliment those around you. In the process, you’ll become well liked and build self confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.
7. Sit in the front row
In schools, offices, and public assemblies around the world, people constantly strive to sit at the back of the room. Most people prefer the back because they’re afraid of being noticed. This reflects a lack of self confidence. By deciding to sit in the front row, you can get over this irrational fear and build your self confidence. You’ll also be more visible to the important people talking from the front of the room.
8. Speak up
During group discussions many people never speak up because they’re afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. This fear isn’t really justified. Generally, people are much more accepting than we imagine. In fact most people are dealing with the exact same fears. By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you’ll become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.
9. Work out
Along the same lines as personal appearance, physical fitness has a huge effect on self confidence. If you’re out of shape, you’ll feel insecure, unattractive, and less energetic. By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive. Having the discipline to work out not only makes you feel better, it creates positive momentum that you can build on the rest of the day.
10. Focus on contribution
Too often we get caught up in our own desires. We focus too much on ourselves and not enough on the needs of other people. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution you’re making to the rest of the world, you won’t worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase self confidence and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. The more you contribute to the world the more you’ll be rewarded with personal success and recognition
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
This verse describes the characteristics of true love. These qualities can certainly be found in the person of Jesus Christ, and they can be found in all truly loving relationships. The problem with trying to “find” love in our dating lives, is that too often we don't look for these characteristics. Rather we look at physical appearance, popularity, or wealth. These are not the qualities that God looks at and neither should we.
But the LORD said to Samuel, “…The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
—I Samuel 16:7b (NIV)
Love is best seen as devotion and action, not an emotion. Love is not exclusively based on how we feel. Certainly our emotions are involved, but they cannot be our only criteria for love. True devotion will always lead to action—true love.
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS and in truth.
I John 3:18 (NIV)
Christ was devoted to us enough to give his own life for us (Romans 5:8), even when he didn't feel like it (Matthew 26:39).
We can only identify true love and know when we have found it, based on the Word of God. When we match our relationships up to what the Bible says that love is—and we are honestly prepared to make a life-long commitment to that person—then we can say that we are truly “in love.” The three keys to that statement are:
We have to…
1. look at the Word of God
2. be completely honest with ourselves
3. understand the level of commitment that comes with true love
Hi Friends this is my First post in the blogger I would like to share and start my process with the topic of "Joint Family"
Joint Family- What does it mean actually? Is it a practise ? or is it a kind of philosophy ? or Is it a culture.I could say it as Part of culture ,its a part of practise etc... Where it actually emerges from
It seems like in olden days the concept of Join Family were familiar and people prefer them self to adapt in those kind of environment than an individual one .But it is very hard to find join family in a city and it would be rare case too...
What is the difference between a join family and a individual owned family ? why am I insisting more about join family family concept. Because now I am in a join family but it could be the only reason i have had 22 years of experience being one of the member in join family and still too.
In general at all the concepts there will be advantage as well as disadvantage too. In my experience i found a lot of advantages in join family concept then a independent family. I wont say like there is no happiness towards independent family but comparatively it seems there is more benefits over join family and lots of problem over there in independent family.
Its not a culture of
But in
The house often has a large reception area and a common kitchen. Each family has their own bedroom. The members of the household also look after each other in case a member is ill
I belive join family concept will bring peace and harmony in a country because there in all the occausion people will join together have a discussion before doing anything. Irrespect of elders or young ones every one avail their own chances to tell about their suggestions. So if it is a case then there is large probability of come out with confine solution for all the needs,problmes etc..
This is the thing where all the IT and other industrial companies prefer more now a dys but in the ternm called "TEAM WORK " ofcourse join family is a kind of team work . You can have true love , affection, care, support, motivation more and more in join family than independent house.
So people try make yourself as one of member in join family soon and realize the difference true differnce over there. Its like heaven to you im sure about it .
Folks i would really appreacite your comments . Do not hesitate to give your comments what ever it may be but please be frank . I just want to know is it applicable for all over the world (join family concept) and to know how the perception of each and every one is varying . And also please rate your comments about this topic in my blog too.